As a marketer, have you often experienced that you are short of ideas? You have a lot of work to do and not enough time to create new posts for your business's social media pages. Or you might occasionally be struck by writer's block when it comes to creating fresh, unique content. Well, this is not unusual. We all pass through a similar situation but with careful planning and content reusing the problem can be addressed.
Trying to identify relevant content for multiple social networks all the time is exhausting. And, frankly, some days you just don’t have the time to create fresh social content from scratch. When it comes to social media you must work smarter, not harder! Instead of constantly coming up with new ideas, social marketers should look at what they already have and repurpose their top-performing blog posts, videos, reports, white papers, and more. Well, here’s a simple strategy of content repurposing which can keep you consistent, save time and deliver value to your business.
Repurposing content for social media platforms
Repurposing content is basically recycling content you already have or are already creating and turning it into social media posts. Content repurposing, sometimes called content recycling, is re-using existing content and presenting it in a new format to expand its reach and lifespan. In this technique, you are using content that you and your teams have purposely created, giving it new life, and ensuring that all segments of your audience can gain value from what you have to offer.
Benefits of repurposing content
- Saves time- no more brainstorming new ideas for each channel for hours and hours. You already know which post receives more likes/engagement through insight.
- SEO boost- Repurposing content can also potentially give you an SEO boost. When you have multiple forms of content centered
- Around similar targeted keywords, search engine crawlers will generally recognize you as a source of authority.
- Makes you consistent.
- Help your brand show up regularly- It is good because you never know that your post might hit the interest of your audience at any time.
Which content to repurpose
Two types of content must be repurposed.
Evergreen content is the one most relevant to your business and one you are known for. the audience wants or expects that from your business.
Most viewed content When choosing content to repurpose, look at your metrics. Check your Google Analytics and your social media management tool to see which posts have performed best over the past months or years. Dig into your old content to find what would be worth repurposing.
Tips and tricks to repurpose content
Let’s discuss specific strategies to repurpose content you’ve already created and bring it to new life
- Sharing an old blog post that you’ve updated with new, relevant data and thought leadership quotes.
- Extract quotations or hard-hitting facts from the blog and sharing as a post on social media platforms. For example, we got the quote from our article Live Video Shopping- The Future Of eCommerce and shared it as a static post on our social media channels.

3. Taking heavy-hitting key statistics from an Ebook and creating an infographic to post on Twitter.
4. Leverage Cross-platform sharing- Sharing your customers’ tweets or event tweets by other accounts that you’ve liked, and repurposing your tweets on Instagram is a very good way to bring more context to the message you’re communicating, and engage with your audience.
5. Turning blog posts into a podcast or simply sharing a webinar or podcast can do good as people are more interested in just hearing rather than reading on the screens. However, the snippets from the podcast or webinar can be used to make social media static posts on your channels.
6. Moreover how-to-do videos on youtube can be converted into a fast-frame short video for your social media channels.

7. Nowadays, people want to see content that is informative but also inspirational, positive, and humoristic. Sharing relevant memes fitting your business can also do you good!
8. Even written posts can go on Instagram with smart work. Turn it into an Instagram image carousel or Slideshare
9. Posting in form of video content and storytelling is a proven way to improve. If you have posted a fan-hitting video then you can take pieces out and make a static post on it.
10. Your website is an asset to be turned into social media engagement post See pages of your websIte and you can know through stats which product or which page sare performing well., you can use that to turn into content for
11. Carefully choose the platform- Above all, remember to keep data relevant to the platform, Linkedin for stats and business-related posts while Facebook for promotion, for showing new announcements go to Twitter, and for covering event pictures choose Instagram.
How Unilakes can help?
With Unilakes, we boost your social media presence. Starting from an online presence we design a beautiful and user-friendly professional-looking website for your business and with a carefully planned social media marketing strategy to 2x your presence and sales.
Write to us at info@unilakes.com or give us a call on +61 (4) 8264 7200.