Android: From Beginner to Paid Professional
The best part of this Android development course? You don't need to know anything to start! This enormous, 24-hour course will take you from a beginner programmer to a pro engineer, all in your own time. You'll start with Java, build some simple apps, and slowly progress to build more complicated apps and become fully proficient. Soon enough, you'll be ready to build Android apps professionally.
2,038 positive ratings from 15,070 students enrolled
Apple TV App Development for tvOS

The newly improved Apple TV and Apple TV App Store open up a huge opportunity to make a splash building amazing, innovative apps. Master the tools required: tvOS, TVML, Swift, and SpriteKit, and understand the unique user experience and needs for this platform. This course will teach you how to work with and build apps for one of Apple’s biggest future players.
379 positive ratings from 11,633 students enrolled
Beginner Full Stack Web Development: HTML, CSS, React & Node

This single course is the ultimate web developer bootcamp. Your one-stop shop to learn both front-end and back-end development. Through this course, you'll go from absolute beginner to competent full-stack web developer in a matter of weeks. Thinking about getting into coding? Here's where to start.
7,547 positive ratings from 102,057 students enrolled
Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced

Kotlin is quickly becoming one of the most important development languages for Android development. Here, you'll learn how to work with interface builder and all the SDK's you actually need to build apps. Whether you're a developer coming from Java or have absolutely no Android experience, you'll start from the ground up to learn everything you need to know about how to build apps using Kotlin.
2,072 positive ratings from 10,512 students enrolled
Comprehensive macOS Development

Welcome to the world's most comprehensive course on macOS development! In this course you'll learn basic and advanced macOS development skills by building a polished full stack and fully functional weather widget app, as well as a clone of Slack. You'll start from the ground up and learn everything you need to know from UI design to front-end and back-end development.
4.0/5 stars from 1,340 students enrolled: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Advanced iOS & Firebase: Rideshare

Take your dev skills to the next level by creating a polished full-stack and fully functional Uber clone app. Using Firebase, Google's streamlined and scaleable development platform, you'll take a step-by-step look at creating your own Uber clone app and diving into the nuances of both front and back-end development, as well as UI design. Make your way through the entire course, and you'll come out with an expanded Firebase understanding and a powerful portfolio piece you can bring to your next interview.
351 positive ratings from 3,016 students enrolled
Apple Watch Development for watchOS

Dip your feet into the world of WatchOS and build your own app in this course! Perfect for beginners, this course starts you off with the watchOS basics, showing you what makes it tick and how to set up a project environment. From there, you'll get your hands dirty building an exercise app from scratch while learning about key WatchKit elements, including groups, interface pickers, and more.
- Access 8 lectures & 1.5 hour of instruction
- Explore the watchOS essentials & set up a project environment
- Get hands-on training creating an exercise app from scratch
- Dive into UI design w/ watchOS & InterfaceController