Once you know the secret of how to discover your hidden entrepreneur
Things get easier.
I’m going to give you an “insider” secret to discover an entrepreneur in your that will change your life.
Before I give you the goods, lemme first ask you…
What is it that you think is needed to be a successful entrepreneur in the first place?
Hmm… not sure!
Let’s find out together.
I would love to share with you how I became an amazon seller and successful entrepreneur.
But I think it is fair to tell you about how the journey first started. Let us dive in and find out how the dots connect.
I have divided it into three short stories…
Here you go!
Book Binding

As a child, I was always an observant being which is normal for any kid for that matter. One day my dad returned from his work with some stuff in his hands. I ran towards him excited to see him back. It was my 6th grade in school.
In the evening my dad started measuring the cardboard and other stuff and then cutting it up for the different book sizes.
Seeing him busy in the next task I followed the same and started cutting the stuff.
Guess what?
I got a good scold from him, but lately, he realized that my measurements were perfect and then he patted on my shoulder
That was the beginning of me becoming an entrepreneur.
Three years later, I was a full-fledged bookbinder in the area and was getting orders from the stationary and nearby book stores. It was a great encouragement and I loved it.
The Beekeeping

Before joining my college I as assisting my dad in his pet project “The Beekeeping”. My dad was always passionate about rearing bees and harvesting honey. More so he was super enthusiastic about telling people the benefits of honey.
We visiting the horticulture department of SKAUST (Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology), Srinagar, Kashmir and finally purchased our first beehive.
It was amazing to watch the humming bees move around and collect pollen and nectar from the flowers.
Soon we had around 60 such hives providing us with a good crop twice a year. I used to assist my dad to the fullest after my school and it was a great success as well.
Yielding honey from bees is really amazing and a good source of income as well.
Now we run it as a family business.
Selling On Amazon

In the year 2015, I was out of the job for the first time in my career and it was really a dead-end for me. After looking for a job for nearly 8 months and getting no response.
And that too living with my family in Dubai, UAE…. you can imagine how it would have been.
One day I came across an online advert about selling on Amazon. It was great but my resources had already shrunk, therefore, giving me no chance to explore.
But then there is an investment principle “The risk-return tradeoff” that indicates that the higher the risk, the higher the potential reward.
I followed my heart and got my first product on Amazon’s FBA centres in June 2019. After a slow start, I was making good sales by September 2019.
My account started getting flooded with dollars… And believe me, this time I was really a successful entrepreneur.
In order for you to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to follow your passion and discover that one reason which is compelling and most irresistible. Something that will not let you sleep…. or if you fall asleep you still are dreaming the same thing.
You see, it’s pretty hard to discover one if you are holding your guards high, isn’t it?
A strong reason is a key to drive from where you are and where you really want to be in your life.
Want some advanced training on entrepreneurship and Amazon selling?
Feel free to hop over to ThyCoach.com. I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a successful entrepreneur and an Amazon seller.
I would love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.
Take care.
If you would like to learn how to Digital Transformation, check out this blog post.